Job description
Are you looking for a new full time position?
We are supporting a small group of children's nurseries based in Banbury.
38 hours over 4 days working 8am - 6pm
Salary up to £12.71 gross per hour (£25,115 gross per annum)
Excellence in Early Education
- Be alert to issues of safeguarding and child protection, ensuring that the welfare and
safety of children attending the setting is promoted and follow safeguarding
procedures as detailed in the settings policy and as directed by the local safeguarding
Role model and provide effective play and learning opportunities for children in yourcare, including setting up and maintaining challenging learning environments across
the setting.
Supporting the room manager in carrying out termly supervisions, observations andcohort tracking.
Support the room manager in overseeing the day to day running of the room, takingan active role within the senior room team.
Inform the room manager of any problems, children's illnesses and absences.Ensure the inspirational Enrichment activities, curriculum and pedagogy aredelivered effectively and consistently.
Keep abreast of all local and national changes that affect early years.Use setting observations and information from parents to plan across all areas oflearning for the differing needs of children in your key group and to enable their
individual potential to be realised.
Ensure all accidents and incidents are recorded and reported in line with companyprocedures.
Keep records of your key children's development and learning journeys and sharethis with parents, carers and other key adults in the child's life.
Work with the settings SENCO to support children causing concern and lead on theplanning and monitoring of your key children's targeted plans.
Be vigilant in maintaining children's wellbeing, health and safety promoting goodpractice within the setting and report any concerns to the setting manager.
Build and maintain effective communication and positive relationships with otherstaff, parents, carers, families and relevant professionals, whilst respecting
appropriate confidentiality.
Maintain all information about children, families and the setting in a confidentialmanner.
Read, understand and adhere to all policies and procedures relevant to your role asdeemed appropriate by the Manager.
Ensure someone known and agreed by the nursery and parent collects the childRespect the confidentiality of all information received.Develop your role within the team especially with regard as a key person.Ensure that mealtimes are a time of pleasant social sharing.Ensure the children's dietary and allergy needs are met.Washing and changing children as requiredTo ensure good standards of safety, hygiene and cleanliness are maintained at alltimes.
Ensure unwell children are kept calm and safe and management is notifiedimmediately.
Develop and maintain strong partnerships and communications with parents / carersto facilitate day-to-day caring and early learning needs.