Salary : Up to £62,771 + excellentbenefits
Pleasenote : The successful teacher will be expected to teach PerformingArts, Art and Music. There is a potential opportunity for TLR withthis position upon completion of probation.
The schooloffers a shuttle service to transport staff from Tadworth stationto the school in themornings
ThoseHuge SmallVictories
Ourteachers are fulfilled by the idea of making even the smallestpositive changes in our young people, so we celebrate the littlethings. There’s lots of ups and downs, and to some of our youngpeople, sitting through a lesson can be a big win. We call thesehuge small victories and whilst they may seem small on the surface,they add up to make a bigdifference.
Getout what you putin
You’ll beworking with children and young people with Autistic SpectrumDisorder / Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. You’ll be thereto help them learn, develop their abilities and raise theirself-esteem. You will need to be resilient and dedicated, but thosehuge small victories that you achieve will be something you’rereally proud of.
It can be atough journey, but the positive steps forward will more than makeup for it. As a Teacher at Witherslack Group, you’ll get all thesupport you need to succeed, from in-house psychologists, toteaching assistants and therapy professionals. Your colleagues willbe the best at what they do, the school environments will bewell-resourced and we’ll be with you every step of the way, helpingyou build a rewarding teachingcareer.
Oneof the best environments in SEND
Having joined Witherslack Group in 2022, Bramley Hill Schoolis an independent specialist day school providing high-qualityeducation. Based in Surrey and recently rated Good by Ofsted, theschool meets the needs of pupils with a primary diagnosis of autismand additional needs such as PDA, ADHD, speech and languagedifficulties, sensory issues and associated behaviouraldifficulties.
Whatwe do for you
Weknow you’re going to do great things. For your hard work andcommitment, we reward you with the best salary and
benefits package in the education sector. With us, you’ll getto bring learning to life and make a genuine difference to thelives of our young people – plus you’llget :
Training : A full induction and on the jobtraining
Holiday : You’ll work hard at WG, so you’ll be rewarded with full schoolholidays
Progression : If career development is your thing, most of our head teachers andleaders have been promoted from within ourgroup
Flexiblebenefits : meaning you can increase / decrease benefits suchas life insurance – check out our benefits here
Pension : weoffer a range of pensions to suit your lifestyle needs includingTeachers’ Pension and our very attractive TPSalternative
Wellbeing : a host of wellbeing tools and advice including employeeassistance
Medicalcover so you can claim back the cost of things like anopticians or dentist appointment and a host of high-streetdiscounts
Beautifulworking environments with the very best facilities –check out our schools here
Arecommend a friend scheme that offers a £1,000 bonus everytime
Bringyour whole-self to work
Our young people come from all walks of life, diversebackgrounds and with different needs – and our workforce reflectsthat diversity, so that our teams can engage, encourage and inspireour young people to be themselves. You’ll be more thana Creative Arts Teacher, you’ll be able toconnect with our pupils because of :
Interestedin joining us?
Ouryoung people deserve the best possible future and we feel the sameabout our teams. You deserve to have the career you want, with apurpose-led employer, in an environment that allows you to beyourself.
TheWitherslack Group is committed to safeguarding and promoting thewelfare of its young people. This post is subject to an enhancedDBS check (we will cover the cost) and an online search. We are anequal opportunities employer welcoming applications from allsections of thecommunity.
For afull job description and person specification, please click here.
Toview our ex-offenders policy please click here .
Toview our Child Protection Policy, please visit the 'Parents andCarers' section of this School / Learning centre. You can find allour Schools here .
SpecialEducation / Careers in Care / Careers in Special Education / Working with Children / SEMH / SEN / ASD