Job summary
As a PCN Care Coordinator you will be part of thePrimary Care Multidisciplinary Team, offering a personalised Admin approach to caringfor the social and psychological needs of identified patients on your caseload,making sure that appropriate support is made available to them and theircarers, and ensuring that their changing needs are addressed.
You will work closely with the GPs and othermembers of the practice and PCN teams to ensure the Admin coordination and managementof identified patients at all points of their care journey.
Main duties of the job
About us
We are a Primary Care Network ( PCN ) of six practices working together with a range of local providers, including primary care, community services, social care, and the voluntary sector, to offer more personalized, coordinated health and social care to their local populations.
Our PCN comprises of 49,348 patients over the six practices
The aims of a networks are to :
Protect, improve, and extend local General Practice through greater organisational scale to provide convenient high quality, comprehensive and integrated services.
Enhance the skills and flexibility of the General Practice workforce to meet population and service needs with programmes of continuing professional development.
Work and collaborate with others to innovate in service provision, building on new technologies and recognising lifestyle choices of service users in the way in which they wish to access care.
Our PCN comprises of 49,348 patients over the six practices
Hazelwood Group Practice
27 Parkfield Road, Coleshill B46 3LD
Pear Tree Surgery
28 Meadow Close, Kingsbury, Tamworth B78 2NR
Dordon and Polesworth Group Practice
162 Long Street, Dordon, Tamworth B45 1QA
Satis House Medical Practice
10 Birmingham Road, Water Orton B46 1TH
Hartshill Health Centre
Sidhu Close, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0GQ
Camp Hill Surgery
Ramsden Avenue, Nuneaton CV10 9EB
Job description
Job responsibilities
Asa PCN CareCoordinator, you will work closely with member practices and the PCN inoffering a personalised approach to caring for social and psychological needsof identified patients on your caseload, making sure that appropriate supportis made available to them and their carers, and ensuring that their changingneeds are addressed.
You will alsosupport other ARRS roles by contributing towards projects on an adhoc basis to support health improvements to patients registered with memberpractices.
Your main duties will include :
Receiving and actioningreferrals from a wide range of agencies, working with GP practices within thePrimary Care Network (PCN), pharmacies, multi-disciplinary teams, hospitaldischarge teams and allied health professionals (list not exhaustive);
Utilise populationhealth intelligence to proactively identify and work with a cohort of patientsto deliver personalised care approach;
Facilitate and ensurethe effective delivery of patient-centred, personalised health and social careplans for patients, monitoring progress and reporting outcomes, contributing topatient reviews and care planning within appropriate time frames;
Provide coordinationand navigation for patients and their carers across the spectrum of servicesavailable;
Support local CareHomes to manage patient needs, including completing / reviewing Care Home CarePlans and Dementia reviews as required, contributing to Care home ward rounds
Complete AnnualLearning Disability reviews on behalf of the practice;
Undertake assistance where clinicians visits to seepatients in their own homes, where applicable, for Blood Pressure checks,welfare checks and provide support;
Work alongside otherPCN Additional Roles staff and outside agencies to provide wrap-around supportto patients;
Make appropriate third-partyreferrals; and
Complete and maintainaccurate patient records.
This job description is intendedto provide an outline of the key tasks and responsibilities only. There may beother duties required of the post-holder commensurate with the position. This description will be open to regularreview and may be amended to consider development within the practices. The post holder should be prepared to take onadditional duties or relinquish existing duties to maintain the efficientrunning of the Network. This jobdescription is intended as a basic guide to the scope and responsibilities ofthe post and is not exhaustive. It willbe subject to regular review and amendment as necessary in consultation withthe post holder.
The roles involves travelling to PCN member practices as required for the service delivery.
Person Specification
Personal Qualities