This role provides the opportunity to help reshape Ofgem's network regulation to support a transformational expansion in Britain's energy infrastructure, to achieve greater affordability, security of supply, and reach a decarbonised electricity system.
Ofgem acts as the Sponsor on behalf of the consumer to ensure this investment is spent in in their interests. As a leader, you will head an experienced and growing team to design and implement the regulatory frameworks necessary to deliver these changes. You will work with government, the energy sector, and other key stakeholders to overcome barriers and reach clean power as quickly as possible.
SRO responsibility for assessments and approvals of network companies' large onshore network investments. Scrutinising Transmission Operators' delivery plans and supporting the identification of delivery mitigations where needed. This includes managing applications made via the Large Onshore Transmission Investment (LOTI) and Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) reopeners. Responsibility for managing those frameworks as well as individual applications under them and reporting on and reviewing delivery and cost outcomes both upwards to the Ofgem Board and outwards to DESNZ and mission control.
Lead the work evaluating the appropriate investment strategy for new proposed electricity transmission routes that flow from the ESO's transitional Central Strategic Network Plan (tCSNP) .
Coordinate Ofgem's overall actions under DESNZ' Transmission Acceleration Action Plan , be a visible central point of contact for DESNZ. Lead on Ofgem's work specifically in respect of supply chain development, community benefit schemes and community engagement.
Lead the design and development of strategies for new competition models in both onshore electricity networks and also for coordinated offshore transmission assets.
More information about the role and application process can be found in the attached candidate pack. We are also holding an open event on Wednesday 5th March at 17 : 15 to answer your questions regarding the role and the application process. You can join at https : / / / l / meetup-join / 19%3ameeting_NTRiODE2MDctMDBmZC00NTczLWE3YjAtMGNiMjJmMzhhZGJi%40thread.v2 / 0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22185562ad-39bc-4840-8e40-be6216340c52%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%22a7fb650c-7706-444a-aacc-722307d4e0af%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a. If you have any questions that you would like considered, please email [email protected]
Person specification
Essential Criteria
We'll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process :
Technical skills
We'll assess you against these technical skills during the selection process :
Alongside your salary of £85,000, OFGEM contributes £24,624 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.
Ofgem can offer you a comprehensive and competitive benefits package which includes; up to 30 days annual leave. Excellent training and development opportunities. The opportunity to join the Civil Service pension arrangements which include a valuable range of benefits. Flexible working hours and family friendly policies. Plus lots of other benefits including clean and bright offices based centrally, engaged networks and teams and an opportunity to contribute to our ambitious and important targets of establishing a Net Zero energy system by 2050. This exciting blend of professional challenge and personal reward identifies career opportunities at Ofgem as something to get excited about.
Things you need to know
Selection process details
This vacancy is using Success Profiles (opens in a new window) , and will assess your Behaviours, Experience and Technical skills.
When you press the 'Apply now' button, you will be asked to complete personal details (not seen by the sift panel), and upload a copy of your CV anonymising all details where necessary. You will then be asked to provide a 800 word 'personal statement' explaining how you consider your personal skills, qualities and experience provide evidence of your suitability for the role. Please ensure you demonstrate clearly, within your supporting statement, how you meet the essential and desirable skills and capabilities listed in the role profile.
Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment.
This role has a minimum assignment duration of 3 years. An assignment duration is the period of time a Senior Civil Servant is expected to remain in the same post to enable them to deliver on the agreed key business outcomes. The assignment duration also supports your career through building your depth of expertise.
As part of accepting this role you will be agreeing to the expected assignment duration set out above. This will not result in a contractual change to your terms and conditions. Please note this is an expectation only, it is not something which is written into your terms and conditions or indeed which the employing organisation or you are bound by. It will depend on your personal circumstances at a particular time and business needs, for example, would not preclude any absence like family friendly leave. It is nonetheless an important expectation, which is why we ask you to confirm you agree to the assignment duration set out above.
Successful candidates must undergo a criminal record check.
People working with government assets must complete baseline personnel security standard (opens in new window) checks.
Nationality requirements
This job is broadly open to the following groups :
Further information on nationality requirements (opens in a new window)
Working for the Civil Service
The Civil Service Code (opens in a new window) sets out the standards of behaviour expected of civil servants.
We recruit by merit on the basis of fair and open competition, as outlined in the Civil Service Commission's recruitment principles (opens in a new window) .
The Civil Service embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunities. As such, we run a Disability Confident Scheme (DCS) for candidates with disabilities who meet the minimum selection criteria.
The Civil Service also offers a Redeployment Interview Scheme to civil servants who are at risk of redundancy, and who meet the minimum requirements for the advertised vacancy.
Diversity and Inclusion
The Civil Service is committed to attract, retain and invest in talent wherever it is found. To learn more please see the Civil Service People Plan (opens in a new window) and the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (opens in a new window) .