Quality Manager
Whittington Hospital, Highgate Hill, London N19 5NF
50,000K - 55,000K
Job Title : Quality Manager
Location : Whittington Hospital
About the role :
We have a vacancy for an enthusiastic, self-motivated Quality Manager who can lead and monitor quality aspect within Health Service Laboratories (HSL) at Whittington Hospital Essential Services Laboratories. This is an exciting opportunity to join the team during the department transformation to a new state of the art laboratory.
The laboratory testing scope includes, Biochemistry, Haematology, Blood Transfusion, Andrology and Point of Care Testing.
You will be a key member of the department, developing and maintaining quality systems, working with the laboratory team and quality representatives to deliver the quality policies and objectives at HSL.
The post holder will have post graduate qualifications in Biomedical or Life Sciences and have significant experience of working as a quality lead in a Blood Sciences Laboratory.
Experience of laboratory UKAS accreditation and Regulatory Inspections, good organisational and communication skills are essential.
Main duties will include administration, monitoring & implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) and to oversee quality & compliance activities. Other duties include QMS training across group and to assist in the organisation of and chairing the departmental Quality Management Group meetings.
A competitive salary and benefits package reflecting the responsibility of this role and the individual’s experience will be offered.
About us :
Sonic Healthcare is an internationally renowned healthcare provider with a demonstrable track record of medical across the world. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, Sonic is an ASX Top 50 company that has grown to become one of the world’s leading healthcare providers, specialising in pathology, radiology and primary care medical centres. We have operations in Australia, the USA, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland and New Zealand.
Sonic Healthcare UK encompasses the two main entities in the UK, The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) and Health Services Laboratories (HSL). HSL is a partnership between The Doctors Laboratory (TDL), Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH). HSL was formed to provide pathology services to the NHS Trusts and has expanded further to provide services to other NHS Trusts. Over 2,500 staff work at Sonic Healthcare UK, primarily under the TDL or HSL banner.
Our purpose is to deliver medically-led diagnostics, innovation, value and long-term investment to healthcare. With our core laboratory based at The Halo Building in London WC1H 9AX, we also have an expanding site in Manchester as well as smaller hospital-based laboratories across the country. We maintain rigorously high standards of quality, whilst also delivering efficiencies to healthcare through careful workforce planning, pioneering technology and significant investment in infrastructure and IT.
At HSL we offer a variety of excellent staff benefits including :