Job Reference
0f3fa) 4 hours per week Term Time & 6 hours during the school holidays, mostly evening with possible weekend, £12.40 an hour (gross) at all times
I am seeking for PA for my 14 years old son, who has autism, ADHD and cognitive delay.
My son needs assistance to access activities in the community, and to access transport. I require a person that can be both caring and act as a reassurance to him when he is feeling anxious or needs reassurance.The person I employ will have an understanding of the need for confidentiality in all areas of work including total respect for our privacy.
My son’s personal assistant must supervise him at all times, this does not mean hands on, they need to have a stepped back approach most of the time acting almost as a supervisor, they need to be aware of his vulnerability and his need to be kept safe, My son looks as though she is of “norm” and is high functioning so his disabilities can be forgotten, he is very good at social interactions and “fits” in well with peers. Supervision. He needs a hands off approach, meaning most of the time you just need to be in the room to allow him to be independent and to build his confidence, he needs reminders of appropriate behaviour as he is a cheeky lad that will test the rules and boundaries. He also has a very large and irrational fear of insects, so anything like butterflies near him will make him bolt aware and he forgets any safety, this will need to be mindful of, as he may ask for help and say he is uncomfortable, in this situation, he needs reassurance and guiding away where he feels safe. He is not physical on any way.
Support Tasks
If you are interested and would like to discuss further, please apply via UKCIL. Services
Social + Leisure activities
Essential PA Guide
Safeguarding Adults / Children
Autism / Aspergers
Schedule, Pay & Hours Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mor Aft Eve ONA ONS ONA = Overnight Awake / ONS = Overnight Sleep Hour / Week 4.0 Pay / hr £12.40 Weekly Actual £50 Monthly Actual £ Annual Actual £2, Annual FTE £25, Back Apply