An exciting opportunity has arisen for the post of Service Manager in Cumberland's 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service. The post holder will work across Cumberland, collaborating with other internal and external partners strategically. The Service Manager will be part of the Integrated Management Team leading delivery of the Healthy Child Programme and Safeguarding Children. Working directly with the Head of Public Health Nursing and Operations, this post will provide operational leadership and service management for clinical and non-clinical services and staff for the Cumberland 0-19 Service, within the Children and Young People Public Health Directorate, supporting cultural change and being involved in transformational changes. The Service Manager will demonstrate a child and family focus and passion for the 0-19 children's community health services (Health Visiting and Public Health Nursing), with the drive and enthusiasm to lead on service transformation and clinical development. The Service Manager post will be part of an innovative solution-focused clinical management team across all HDFT localities, ensuring the delivery of high-quality public health services to children and their families, addressing health inequalities and driving forward the integrated working agenda with key delivery partners to improve outcomes for children, young people, and families.
Working within HDFT 0-19 (25) teams presents employees with an amazing chance to develop their careers and gain wide experience. This is due to the fact that we are the biggest provider of 0-19 services in the U.K. Although this post is in Cumberland, we also have contracts in Darlington, Northumberland, Stockton, County Durham, Sunderland, Gateshead, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, Wakefield, and Westmorland and Furness. With the introduction of virtual working, this has allowed us much more flexibility to work footprint wide. This ensures excellent preceptorship and support for new employees.