Job summary
The post holder will be the lead Director for the strategic and operational management of health, safety and non-clinical risk and assurance throughout the gesh Group. They will provide specialist, expert evidence-based advice, guidance and support to the gesh Group. The role also includes supporting the work of Security Management; Estates & Facilities statutory assurance (PAM); the contract management of the Estates specialist Authorised Engineers; and management of the specialist Health, Safety and Fire Teams.
The post holder will also be responsible for the development, maintenance and proactive monitoring and measurement of the Group's Non-Clinical Risk Management Systems to ensure that the Group complies with and fulfils its statutory duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and all other relevant health, safety, fire and non-clinical risk legislation and guidance.
Main duties of the job
Responsible for the management, performance and strategic direction of all non-clinical risk functions across the gesh Group. The post-holder will ensure that the gesh Group is able to operate within a safe environment and meets its requirements under health & safety, fire and relevant security legislation.
To act as the GESH Group's senior management 'Competent Person' in all health & safety and non-clinical risk related issues and will lead the coordination of the gesh Group's programmes for effective evaluation, monitoring and auditing of the Health and Safety / Non-Clinical Risk Group compliance and assurance functions.
It is the post-holder's responsibility to support board members awareness of their statutory compliance and statutory legislation duties in respect to, Health and Safety / Fire Safety.
Responsible for leading on the development and maintenance of the gesh Group's health and safety / non-clinical risk strategy and annual work plan including formulating and advising on health and safety goals and key objectives, and continuously analysing how they may impact on the provision and delivery of healthcare services.
The post-holder will be responsible for identifying evidence and documentation to provide assurance to the Board on statutory compliance
About us
St George's, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals and Health Group cares for a population of four million people in South West London and North East sites include St George's Hospital, one of 11 major trauma centres in the UK and the largest healthcare provider and major teaching hospital in the area; St Helier Hospital, home to the South West Thames Renal and Transplantation Unit and Queen Mary's Hospital for Children; and Epsom Hospital, home to the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC).
After years of collaboration, our two Trusts became a hospitals group in 2021. While remaining as two separate Trusts, being a hospitals group will help us to collaborate more closely on research, and the development, education, and training of our 17,000-strong workforce.
Job description
Job responsibilities
The post-holder will be the representative of the E&F division at the emergency planning groups. This person will monitor manage coordinate report on and update any issues that require feedback to the emergency planning team for the estates facilities clinical engineering health and safety and fire divisions. The post-holder will represent the division and be the lead responsible officer for emergency planning.
Post-holder will line-manage the individual Trusts Head of Fire Safety and Head of Health and Safety and ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient gesh Group health, safety, fire and non-clinical risk service.
To oversee, manage, monitor and coordinate the functions of the Health and Safety Team ensuring that managers and their staff have full access and support in meeting their legal obligations in managing their health and safety responsibilities which include completing suitable and sufficient health & safety risk assessments.
The post-holder will be the gesh Groups representative to collate information and make responses on behalf the Group CEO, Group Deputy CEO, Group Chief Facilities, Infrastructure & Environmental Officer, and other senior managers to all statutory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive, NHSE&I, Fire Brigade and the London Emergency Planning Group. Post-holder will oversee the management of all enforcement notices or general notices issued by statutory authorities in respect of any non-clinical risk systems and processes.
Full Job Description and Person Specification attached
Person Specification