Teleperformance isa fast-paced contact centre employer who works alongside a numberof house-hold known clients to deliver world class customerservice. TP is also ranked 25
in theFortune World Best WorkplacesTM.
We have a fantastic opportunity for inbound customerservice specialist for our Lloyds Banking Divisioncampaign
Here isall you need toknow…
- Start Date : 21st April2025
- Salary : From £12.21 perhour
- Job Type : Full Time -Permanent
- Working Hours : 40 hoursper week (including training)
Training hours09 : 00am – 18 : 00pm Monday –Friday
Operational hrsafter training - Fully flex 07.00 - 23.00 Mon -SunTraining : 2 weeks basedin Glasgow, CityPark.Joining the team : First3-months working on-site in Glasgow thenopportunity to choose on-site or at-home working whichever suitsyou best.Here areour key benefits…
Perks atWork – Savings Discounts / Free OnlineClassesHelp@Hand -Savings Discounts / Podcast / Wellbeing Recourses / Webinars / Access to; GP’s, Mental Health Support, Financial Advice, LegalAdviceCriticalIllness – up to£10,000Cycle to WorkSchemeEyecare supportvoucherHolidayPurchase SchemeLengthof ServiceAwardsWorkplacePensionMonthlyInspire Awards – For the best of thebestRefer-A-Friendearns up to £1,200 foryouMonthly WellbeingWebinarsDedicatedEmployee Experience Progress – Here to support TPjourneyWho we are looking for…
A professional, polite and courteoustelephone mannerAbility to deliver excellent servicewith outgoing natureExcellent verbal communicationskillsA good listener who can convey empathy, patience andunderstandingConfident and proactive to deal withdifficult situations and conversationsConfident in having customer conversationsHigh levels of accuracy and attention todetailConfident in makingdecisionsSelf-motivated and able toaffectively problem solveInterpersonalskillsBe driven to work towards achievable targetsWhat willmy role involve…?
Answer inbound calls with enthusiasmand a desire to help out customers at the first point ofcontactSupporting and providing a positive experience for allour customers by helping them with all aspects of their personalbanking, for example : bank transfers, direct debits, and digitalbanking supportHelping customers that may be goingthrough financial difficulty and debit cardsupportPromoting channels such as Internet Banking andensuring that all customers are aware and have access to the Bank’scomplete range ofservicesProblem solving - taking ownership ofeach and every query and ensuring these are resolved, making a realpositive difference for ourcustomersEnsure that all customers aresupported in accordance with all regulatory requirements which aimto protect our customersEnsure all customer complaints arerecorded in line with policy and where possible resolved at firsttouch, delivering an efficient outcome for thecustomerAbility to react fast when the daygets busy and handle a wide variety of different customers –excellent time managementIf you’reinterested in joining us, APPLY TODAY to create your applicationand our recruitment team will be in touch with you within 48 hours,but please feel free to get in touch if you want to chat with ourteam sooner.