Mission Community Engagement Enabler
Herne Bay, Kent
14,286 pa plus excellent benefits
20 hours per week
Fixed-term contract for 18 months
The Mission Community Engagement Enabler is an exciting and unique role at the Diocese, as you will perform local community outreach in the Parish of Christ Church St Andrews Herne Bay and lead our weekly events for the Ignite Project to present the Gospel in a friendly and interactive way.
As The Mission Community Engagement Enabler you will maintain and enhance excellent relationships with community groups and others within the parish, establishing a strong personal and project presence in the local community by undertaking work that raises the local profile of the church.
Reporting to the Incumbent of Christ Church St Andrews and the Ignite Project Lead, you will build relationships of trust with those attending Ignite, offering opportunities for them to follow Christ and help establish a new worshipping community.
An important part of the role is your responsibility for training Christian volunteers to run the Ignite Project in a sustainable way, especially after the contract period has come to an end. As such you will be expected to attend and participate in weekly planning sessions and other events, either locally or occasionally elsewhere within the Diocese.
Educated to a good standard, you should have a personal understanding of the Christian faith, with pastoral skills to enthuse, support and empower members of parish mission projects.
With the ability to communicate appropriately to people from a diverse range of backgrounds, you must be able to reflect theologically within the appropriate context, in order to communicate the Gospel in creative and interactive ways.
Ignite is a Fresh Expressions form of church which comprises 8 plants across the Diocese and in Guernsey. It is a combination of community outreach and weekly afternoon and evening events which present the Gospel in a friendly and interactive way and enables people not engaging with traditional church, to meet Jesus and have their lives transformed.
The format for an Ignite evening, is low-key friendship-based evangelism and is often described as a Christian version of BBC’s ‘The One Show’ in its style of presentation. There is a mix of interactive discussions, table group activities, and multi-media audio and visual clips, as well as occasional short talks and opportunities to pray. This offers people the opportunity to engage their thoughts, and helps them to consider their relationship with God, through Jesus. Further information about Ignite is available in the job description but in Herne Bay we have two Ignites one aimed at families and the other at adults.
For more details and information on how to apply, please contact