Salary range : £46735- £57422 per annum
FTE : 1.0
Term : Fixed term until 31 / 01 / 2027
New Closing Date : 28 March 2025
The Scottish Partnership in Energy and Engineering Research& Innovation (SPEERI) is a partnership of 14 Scottish Universities workingcollaboratively to maximise impact in energy and engineering research andinnovation. SPEERI works strategically with academia, industry and publicsector / government to further build upon and grow Scotland’s energy andengineering research excellence to drive global competitiveness andsocio-economic impact. SPEERI has recently formed from the integration of twoworld-class pan-Scottish partnerships; the Scottish Research Partnership inEngineering (SRPe) ( and the Energy Technology Partnership(ETP) ( The SPEERI Engineering Pillar is managed inaccordance with the SRPe approach, and the SPEERI Energy Pillar in accordancewith the ETP approach. Both Energy and Engineering pillars are focused aroundkey themes.
The activities of the SPEERI Engineering Strategy arefocused around four strategic themes aligning the research and innovationstrengths of the Scottish universities with the key strategic opportunitiesfor socio-economic impact and growth : Advanced Manufacturing; Robotics and AutonomousSystems; Infrastructure and Environment; Engineering for Health & Care.
Based at the state-of-the-art Technology & InnovationCentre in Glasgow, the SPEERI Deputy Director of Engineering will be a highcalibre versatile professional with a wide range of skills who can manage allaspects of SPEERI strategic, operational and project delivery. You will workclosely with the SPEERI Executive Director and manage the day-to-dayoperational and project delivery of the wider SPEERI team. Due to theintegrated nature of the partnership, you will work closely with the SPEERIDeputy Director (Energy) to identify areas of synergy between the Engineeringand Energy Strategies and develop joint initiatives. You will collaborate witha wide range of internal and external stakeholders from across a number oforganisations spanning academia, industry and public sector, including atsenior / executive level.
Your main activities and responsibilities will be acrossthe full range of engineering focused SPEERI activities, including managementand oversight of partnership-wide SPEERI funded initiatives and programmes;design, development and delivery of strategic investment cases, strategicinitiatives / programmes, collaborative proposals and workshops; identifying anddeveloping new collaborations with academia, industry and public sector,horizon scanning, identification and monitoring of collaborative funding opportunities;organisation and delivery of conferences, events and workshops; marketing andcommunications; management and coordination of early career researcher skillsdevelopment / training initiatives; budget management and financial reporting;project delivery and progress tracking; development of databases, andday-to-day operational management and supervision of the SPEERI executiveoffice team.
To be considered for the role you must be educated to aminimum of degree level in a relevant discipline, or with equivalent relevantexperience within the higher education, public or industry sectors. You willhave extensive experience across stakeholder management, cross-sectoralcollaborative strategic proposal / investment case development and workshopdelivery, marketing and communications, conference and events management,strategic initiative and collaborative project development and delivery, projectmanagement and project performance monitoring, financial management andgeneral operational delivery management and staff supervision, ideally withinan industry facing higher education collaborative research environment.
In addition to having excellent interpersonal,organisational & planning, management, communication and IT skills, youmust have the versatility and drive to embrace new challenges. Many aspects ofdelivery will be non-prescriptive and you must be able to operate proactivelywith a high degree of flexibility, and with a high level of motivation andpersonal initiative.
This represents an exciting opportunity for a versatile and experienced professional who is lookingto make a significantcontribution within a high impact organisation whilst continuing to grow anddevelop professionally
For informal enquiries, please contact [email protected]
Deputy Director (Engineering) - Scottish Partnership in Energy and Engineering Research & Innovation (SPEERI) - 646638 • Glasgow, United Kingdom